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If you are passionate about music, you probably have a large library of audio files in CD format on your computer, but some of them may be missing data referring to title, album, and other information that allow them to be identified from others and classify them comfortably. For this, CD Audio Information Downloader has been designed, it is a simple tool that allows you to obtain from the Internet all the necessary information of each of the tracks stored on your PC.

CD Audio Information Downloader gets all the information about the artist, song title, album title, track duration, etc., easily and easily. The only requirement is to have an Internet connection. Once the album data is obtained, CD Audio Information Downloader will save the information collected in CDPLAYER.INI so that you can use it in your favorite audio file playback programs, or if you wish, you can export them to other formats, such as in a document of text or XML file.

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You can free download CD Audio Information Downloader 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site. - Overview features and capabilities software, apps for Windows 10
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