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Download free Website CMS for Windows 10

CMS stands for Content Management System. A CMS system is a framework that allows you to easily create a personal or business website can set up and maintain. The content on your site, which update do you, or someone within your organization, by logging in to the website. As a webmaster, you can then modify articles, delete or create new content to add.

You can with a CMS so anywhere and on any computer to maintain your website without the need to program.


Drupal is a free Content Management System (CMS) developed in PHP. The open source package is used for both blogs as a complete (professional) websites.

The modular design lets you start with simple site and expand later on, for example, with e-commerce features. There are more than 20,000 modules available on the official site of the developer which provides additional features on top of the Drupal system can be installed. Also, you can choose from more than 1,600 themes to the look of the site completely to your own desire can be changed.

Drupal is used by very many companies used and supported. International include MTV ( and Amnesty International ( users of Drupal. Also the site of the White House ( makes use of this CMS. Drupal has a very active group of users who you with advice and can assist if you have any questions.

Drupal offers by default, include these possibilities:

In addition, there are supplementary modules are a lot more possibilities with Drupal. Also these are free to download from the site of Drupal.


Joomla! besides Drupal and WordPress one of the most popular CMS packages as of this moment. The package is written in the programming language PHP and uses a MySQL or MS SQL database.

The project was started in 2005 after developers have separated from Mambo. The development of the CMS package Mambo is since 2008 still while Joomla still new versions are released.

Also when you are completely not familiar with the installing of a content management system then you can with this package within an hour of your own basiswebsite developed and online.

By additional extensions to install, you can use this to expand further to a professional website. There are more than 10,000 extensions available via the catalogue on the official site. Large organizations that use Joomla include the Guggenheim museum ( and the Chillout Hostels (

Because Joomla! many standard features for managing a site with multiple people is the package for a personal website soon to be expanded. For a personal or business site with only a few pages that are not much more than a few images and text, you can better a less complex CMS such as CMS Made Simple use.

The Joomla!framework, the core of the system, controls all the basic elements of a website. Such as the logged-in users, the rights of visitors and users and the retrieval of data from different sources.

Then, there are three elements within Joomla! that are activated by the framework:

  • Components
    Programs written in PHP that actual actions to perform, such as the processing of news items from plain text to HTML-formatted text. The main advantage of Components is the possibility to have the website functional is to expand it. Examples include a guestbook, photo gallery, downloadomgeving etc.
  • Modules
    Blocks on the website that in addition to the main content can be shown. Examples are menus, calendars, random images and recent additions.
  • Plugins
    The content of the page is by plugins edited. Plugins to replace text in the contents to a formatted text without taking into account the templates/templates. A standard included plugin allows you, for example, that an e-mail address in the content of a page is converted to a code that spambots unreadable.

Then send these elements to their detailed content to the template, where some texts to be replaced by the text generated by the elements.


XOOPS started as a portalsysteem but has become a full-fledged Content Management System such as Drupal and Joomla. The package can be used as a basis for small, medium and large sites.

XOOPS Lite can as a personal weblog or journal be used. You can use them after a normal installation of, for example, the module "news". For a medium-sized site can be modules such as "news", "forum", "download", "sections", etc. be used to form a community in which each member did his part. There are for XOOPS just a few of the hundreds of modules available, much less so than, for example, Drupal and Joomla.

For a large site, such as for a company, they can use their own modules. XOOPS is a suitable platform for the integration of existing or new web applications.

XOOPS has the following characteristics:

  • Database driven
    XOOPS uses a relational database (MySQL) to store data,
  • Fully modularized
    The modules can be easily installed, uninstalled, activated and deactivated,
  • Personal profiles
    The registered users can change profiles, themes, the selection of avatars to upload, and many more,
  • User management
    The ability to use various criteria to search and e-mail and private messages to users to send.
  • Global support
    XOOPS is and created by a team of several hard-working volunteers all over the world,
  • Advanced permission system
    Powerful and user-friendly permission system administrators to allow rights for each component for each group, or person to adapt.
  • On themes based interface
    XOOPS has a powerful themasysteem. Both system administrators and users can view the website with a single click of the mouse change. There are more than 200 themes available for download!


Typo3 is an open source Content Management System and so free download. This package has a very long history, the first version was already released in 1998. Then it was a commercial package, since 2000 is the software open source.

With Typo3 you can easily, just like with other CMS systems, new data add to your site via your web browser. You need the CMS system, but once you install it on your server and then you can have your website create and maintain without any knowledge of HTML required.

This content management system can be completely to your own wishes be extended by extensions to install. Via the official site are currently around 6,000 extensions are available.

Large organizations using Typo3 include the Vara ( and the Technical University of Eindhoven (

Typo3 has the following characteristics:

  • a powerful search technology,
  • you can assign different users different rights,
  • contains cachetechnologie making pages load faster,
  • all files and pages are displayed in the same way as Windows explorer,
  • you can insert images directly upload,
  • Typo3 ensures that they are optimized for the web to be displayed,
  • you can directly add pages, remove or change of name,
  • many extensions are available,
  • makes use of templates that you can customize.

CMS Made Simple

CMS Made Simple makes it possible to quickly and easily a website and the contents thereof to manage. It is a relatively young project, the first version in 2004, released by Ted Kulp. In the course of the years, there are more developers added to the team.

As the name of the project implies, focuses this package focused on creating optimal user-friendliness. The basic version of the system does not contain advanced features but this makes the use and maintenance of the site much easier. When you have a number of advanced features than you can by a module to add. There are around 400 modules are available via the website of the developer.

CMS Made Simple is not by large organizations. An example of a professional site that uses this software is

CMS Made Simple has the following characteristics:

  • SEO friendly URLS,
  • integrated and online help,
  • modular, expandable system,
  • each page has a different layout,
  • easily manage individual users and user groups,
  • written in PHP programming language,
  • makes use of a MySQL or PostgreSQL database.


MODx is an open source CMS system. This free content management system uses PHP, MySQL and Apache.

The CMS is developed to be as flexible as possible for the user. In addition, there are additional SEO features have been added that the website is easier to find should make using search engines such as Google.

MODx has the following characteristics:

  • free CMS software,
  • support of web standards,
  • support for WYSIWYG rich text editors,
  • navigation menus in CSS build,
  • supports all modern web browsers,
  • search engine friendly URLs,
  • ability to meta-content for each page for optimal SEO,
  • API offers support for Web 2.0 Ajax technology,
  • unlimited hierarchical structure to web pages,
  • open source,
  • available in the Dutch language.


SilverStripe is an open source content management system for small and medium-sized organizations. The standard design of this CMS makes use of responsive design. The website is so adjusted is displayed on tablets and smartphones for optimum display on mobile devices.

SilverStripe has the following characteristics:

  • open source content management system,
  • WYSIWYG editor to easily modify the content,
  • separated beheerdersportaal for content authors and website designers,
  • written in PHP,
  • search engine friendly website URLS.


Concrete5 is an open source CMS system written in PHP. The development of this content management system started in 2005, but it is only since 2008 offered as open source software.

Editing content (text and images) on the site is very easy. When you as an administrator are logged in, you can directly on each page changes, click edit button. So you do not need on a separate beheerdersportaal logging in and navigating to the edit function.

In the area of user-friendliness scores Concrete5 is very high, the functionality is standard, however, what is less comprehensive than some of the other CMS packages such as Drupal and WordPress. For extra features you need add-ons to install. In the Concrete5 marketplace, you can use both free and paid add-ons and templates download.

Concrete5 has the following characteristics:

  • open source content management system,
  • written in PHP,
  • version control for changes made easily back to be able to run,
  • easily add metadata to pages or images for SEO,
  • marketplace, where you add-ons and templates for free or for a fee, can download,
  • design complete customize with a number of lines of code.


WebGUI is an open source modular CMS package. The software is written in Perl. WebGUI is also translated into Dutch. The system supports not only publish articles, but also perform surveys and create an online photo gallery.

WebGUI is used for the websites of the more than 300 embassies and consulates around the world, from the United States. An example is the American embassy in the Hague (Den haag

WebGUI has the following characteristics:

  • free CMS package,
  • open source license,
  • also translated into Dutch,
  • written in Perl,
  • makes use of Apache server and MySQL database.


Umbraco is a pretty popular content management system since 2000 is being developed. In 2004, the software is available under an open source license.

This CMS is used by large organisations such as Heinz used for the running of their company sites. The system also provides the functions that large multinationals require. For example, these are a good support for multilingual websites, version control for all content and a comprehensive management system for user rights.

For $ 19 per month you get access to the Umbraco TV. This is an online catalogue of over 100 videos covering all aspects of this content management system to be clearly explained, from installation to use.

A large news site that uses Umbraco is Wired (

Umbraco has the following characteristics:

  • open source content management system,
  • managing content using the integrated WYSIWYG editor,
  • full separation between content, technology and design,
  • support of W3C web standards,
  • written in C# and based on ASP.NET,
  • works with the following database systems: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and VistaDB.

Download and install one of the versions programs Website CMS for Windows 10.

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