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Whether we like it or not, all the information we have stored on the computer is continuously in danger, whether due to the attack of a virus, spyware or because, directly, some sectors of the hard disk where it is stored are damaged. Therefore, it is very advisable to make a backup of the most valuable, essential or important data you have from time to time.

For this purpose there are programs such as DiscSafe, which in a very intuitive and easy way will help you to make backups (backups) of all this information. This backup allows you to save it on the following types of discs: CD-R (W), DVD-R (W, DVD + R (W) and DVD-RAM.

In this way, thanks to DiscSafe, you will keep all that information safe in case it should be restored in the future.


You can free download DiscSafe 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site. - Overview features and capabilities software, apps for Windows 10
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