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We all know well how popular and widespread PDF files have become today. And it is that this format has become one of the main standards when exchanging digital documents through the Internet. For this reason, it is very useful that any user who, in a more or less usual way, works with PDF files, has a wide range of tools, programs and applications on his computer that allows him to use these files according to his own needs, such as an application that allows you to create and edit PDF files. And that's exactly what Foxit PDF Creator offers us.

There are many programs that help you create and edit PDF files, but few methods are as fast and easy as the one offered by Foxit PDF Creator.

Well, with Foxit PDF Creator you can create any PDF from any document that has printing options, because what it does is create a virtual printer that, instead of printing, generates the resulting PDF. Therefore, you can have PDFs from documents in DOC, XLS, PPT, TXT, HTML, emails, etc.

Of course, the resulting PDF after conversion with Foxit PDF Creator maintains all the appearance (and all elements) of the original document.

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You can free download Foxit PDF Creator 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site. - Overview features and capabilities software, apps for Windows 10
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