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GdViewer Pro ActiveX is an interesting ActiveX to be used by programming languages.NET, VisualBasic, Delphi, MS Access, RealBasic, C #, VFP, Windev, Visual C ++, etc., which creates a powerful graphic viewer that reads formats BMP, DIB, RLE, TIF, JPG, JPE, JFIF, WMF, EMF, GIF, animated GIFs, PNG, PNM, PCX, etc.

GdViewer Pro ActiveX allows you to zoom, view a vector image, change quality properties, print, rotate, view PDFs, read multi-page TIFFs, export / import from the clipboard, read EXIF information, resize, load an image from a page web via HTTP or FTP, etc.

screenshot-GdViewer Pro ActiveX-1

You can free download GdViewer Pro ActiveX 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site. - Overview features and capabilities software, apps for Windows 10
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