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Golden SpotsMap of Europe is a geographical point locator that works on the European map, made in Flash format. The program offers support for the configuration of colors, links to URLs, explanatory texts and a large number of additional possibilities that will make this unique program one of the most complete and recommended in its category.

The Golden SpotsMap of Europe program is truly intuitive when it comes to handling it, and its user interface in Flash format is simple and intuitive enough so that any user, regardless of their level of previous experience, can perform properly with the use of Program. The best thing is that, to modify it, we can simply use an XML file; It is not necessary to edit the Flash source code. Through an external XML file, we can achieve full integration of the Flash map in any application, as well as dynamically modify the map information easily and quickly. Golden SpotsMap of Europe is compatible with any scripting language (ASP, PHP, ColdFusion, Perl, etc). The size of the map of Europe is 450x450 pixels, more than adequate dimensions,

You can free download Golden SpotsMap of Europe 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site. - Overview features and capabilities software, apps for Windows 10
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