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If you are a passionate lover of the Seventh Art, then you will surely have hundreds or thousands of DVD movies. When you get to this point is when you urgently need a tool like Movie Catalog.

Movie Catalog is an excellent and very complete tool that will allow you to catalog, classify, organize and organize all the information of each of the films; Moreover, not only of the films themselves, but of all the artists involved in them.

Movie Catalog even allows you to create covers and graphic captures from the videos you have (in AVI or MPG format), as well as having a powerful search engine to perform all kinds of advanced searches by different criteria.

In the Movie Catalog database you can store the film's title, the original title, the name of the actors and professionals involved, the photographs, the year, the awards it has won, a description of the plot, ratings, comments, etc. In addition, it allows you to link directly to the famous website of for additional information.

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You can free download Movie Catalogue 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site. - Overview features and capabilities software, apps for Windows 10
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