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Whenever we copy and paste texts from one site to another, for example from a document, an email or a web page, not only the selected text is pasted, but also the format that said text has on the web or document that we have taken as origin, when all we want is that text in pure txt. For future occasions, when we want to avoid that when copying and pasting a specific text its original format is also included, the best we can do is have a program like this small and very simple utility, called PureText 2.0. And it is that the main task of this practical application will be to convert the text you copy and paste on the clipboard into TXT pure text, making the characteristics of the original format disappear.

Therefore, PureText is a useful tool for our computer system that, when copying a text from any source to another document, will allow us to choose between two different modes: the first one is the usual one of all life, in which when selecting the source text its format is also included; while with the second option, only plain text will be pasted, without having any influence on the format that it had at its origin.

And all this, in a tiny program of less than a mega weight, and that is also completely free, since PureText is a product distributed under a "freeware" license.

You can free download PureText 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site. - Overview features and capabilities software, apps for Windows 10
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