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SwordSearcher is a simple application that allows you to study the Bible. To do this, SwordSearcher includes comments, dictionaries, maps, illustrations, guides and other tools that save a lot of time in the study of the sacred scriptures.

In addition, SwordSearcher opens text boxes with reference to the verses of the King James Bible, and other references that lead, through links, to relevant material in the verses.

Although it is easy to move around SwordSearcher, and it is very easy to access its different sections, you have to keep in mind that the program is completely in English, so if the language of Shakespeare is not your forte, you should consider other alternative options to read and study the Bible.

If, on the other hand, the English language is not a barrier for you, do not hesitate for a moment to download the free "shareware" or evaluation version of SwordSearcher that we offer you, so you can check, first hand, all the features and virtues that make this unique application one of the most recommended and interesting tools for the study of the Bible. An essential program for theologians, historians and any user with curiosity about what is narrated in the Holy Scriptures.


You can free download SwordSearcher 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site. - Overview features and capabilities software, apps for Windows 10
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