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Surely more than once you have found a PDF or TIFF file that has empty pages inside, that is, totally dispensable pages that only serve to take up space and for the file to weigh more. That is why a tool like Tiff Pdf Cleaner has been created.

The objective of Tiff Pdf Cleaner is to thoroughly check any TIFF or PDF document for empty pages, if any were found, it automatically removes them. It also works recursively: you indicate a folder and look for all the documents that contain both that folder and its corresponding subfolders.

Apart from removing empty pages Tiff Pdf Cleaner also allows you to convert from TIFF to PDF, and vice versa.

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You can free download Tiff Pdf Cleaner 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site. - Overview features and capabilities software, apps for Windows 10
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