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Many of us have one or several photos on our work table or office with their corresponding photo frames. From family, friends, loved ones, etc. Since the Windows desktop is the homologous space of a worktable on the computer, it was logical that sooner or later an application appeared to simulate these photo frames on the PC. His name is Virtual Portrait, and it is also built in English.

Virtual Portrait allows you to place the photos you prefer on your desk with a colorful frame, also positioning it where you are most interested. We can change the size and move it on the screen to our liking, placing it even in the foreground so that no window covers it.

A very interesting option of Virtual Portrait is the so-called "dynamic virtual frame" that works in a similar way to wallpaper exchangers: it adds several photos to the frame, and he will only be in charge of showing them all periodically.

Do not wait another second, and start downloading Virtual Portrait for free, so you can be accompanied by the image of your family and friends at all times, while working in front of the computer. Thus, you will save space on your work table, being able to do without the classic physical picture frame.

You can free download Virtual Portrait 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site. - Overview features and capabilities software, apps for Windows 10
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