There are certain Desktop Wallpapers that, due to their magical, unreal, fantastic or illusory character, end up attracting much more attention than any other type of background. Water flame is, without any doubt, one of them.
Water flame shows a simple candle, but extremely attractive, original and unique, because its flame is water and not fire, so it is as shocking as it is beautiful and amazing, especially since the realism and effect of this flame is such of water that convinces totally of its possible existence in the real world.
If you are one of those people who, above all, like to be original, this peculiar wallpaper is made for you. And it is that no one who passes in front of a computer with Water flame as a wallpaper can resist turning to contemplate it in detail.
NOTE: this magnificent at the same time as amazing wallpaper baptized with the name of Water flame has dimensions of 1024x768 pixels, but if your computer needed a different size to be able to better adjust to the settings set on your monitor, you should know that you can also find it at the resolution of 800x600 pixels on the author's own website, which you can easily access through the link that we provide in the tab that accompanies this review.
You can free download Water flame 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site.