Fate Axis is a Japanese anime-style fighting game where each player can choose between several characters and several game modes. The game is completely free, it is in three dimensions, and includes many special effects.
The images are very good as well as the level of playability, being the only downside that the game is only in Portuguese. To install the program without problems it is advisable to take the following steps: after downloading the file FateAxis_OMEGA_Edition-1.6d2.exe ", you have to double click on it. A window with two buttons below will open (each with two signs question mark.) You have to click on the one on the left.
The following message appears, na janela, click no botão da esquerda (see imagem abaixo). In the next window, click on Sim. There is only one window left. In this you have to click on the button that includes "(S)". The program will already be installed.
You just have to play, by pressing the Start button (from the two buttons in the next window, choose the one on the right). The commands to play are the keys of the keyboard W, A, S and D. From here the fun is guaranteed.
You can free download Fate Axis 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site.