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Apparently QPaper gives the feeling of being a simple Desktop background, but it is not, because from time to time this original Desktop utility is putting you a famous phrase of someone important, yes, the phrase is in English, so apart Learning that famous quote will help you review your English.

You can configure QPaper so that the famous phrase is updated every minute, every 5 minutes, every half hour, every hour, every day, every week or even that it is only updated once a month. You can also configure it to be updated only when you indicate it.

You will learn with QPaper a multitude of phrases and quotes that have gone down in history and that, in some cases, will even make you reflect.


You can free download QPaper 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site. - Overview features and capabilities software, apps for Windows 10
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