World Shift is a real-time strategy game set in the distant future, where the planet Earth is ravaged by a terrible plague, which has left the human race on the verge of extinction. Now humans are grouped into five mega-cities, fighting for the valuable resources they need to survive. But they are not alone, because this plague has made appear to different tribes of mutants, successors of the first human beings.
The balance between these two races is endangered when a new alien race arrives on Earth, a threat that will only be stopped if an alliance between humans and mutants occurs. Your mission in World Shift will be to get the alliance and expel the aliens.
This strategy game, World Shift, presents a series of new features, including the possibility of modifying the features and the ability to play in cooperative multiplayer mode. World Shift allows its players to discover and acquire a large number of items and relics, without the need to seek resources, thus being able to change tactics at any time to surprise enemies. But to get the most important relics you must team up with your most trusted friends and all together embark on the deadliest missions.
You can free download World Shift 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site.