The Happening Wallpaper1 is a wallpaper dedicated to the movie that bears the same name "The Incident". An impressive thriller about a family fleeing an inexplicable and overwhelming phenomenon, which threatens all humanity and of course, the survival instinct.
Everything comes without warning and out of nothing. In a few minutes there are multiple chilling deaths in the main cities of North America, which defy any natural explanation. What is the cause? How is it transmitted? To find out you will have to watch the movie "The Incident". In this image for the desktop of your computer we can see Elliot Moore with his wife Alma and daughter trying to escape from this horrible situation.
This wallpaper, The Happening Wallpaper1, has dimensions of 1024x768 pixels. However, if you need another size to better fit your monitor, you can download it for free on the author's website. The available sizes are: 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1600x1200.
You can free download The Happening Wallpaper1 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site.