Draw for Windows 10 download free
DownloadApache OpenOffice Draw is a free drawing program that is part of the open source package. The program supports the creation and editing of vectors.
Apache OpenOffice Draw is a vector drawing program that is part of the free OpenOffice suite.
Apache OpenOffice Draw has the following characteristics:
- with one click of the mouse standard forms to add, such as stars, smileys and arrows,
- objects to manipulate, rotate in two or three dimensions, flip, or distort,
- objects to organize and group,
- smart connectors make it easy to make objects in flow charts, organization charts, network diagrams, etc to connect with each other,
- texts add,
- save files in OpenDocument format,
- images of all commonly used file formats to import: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and WMF,
- create Flash (.swf) versions of your drawings.
Apache OpenOffice Draw screenshots

You can free download Draw 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site.