Crabgrass for Windows 10 download free
DownloadThere are many web applications available that provide support in the collaboration process between employees within an organization. These applications often have only one specific functionality, such as a wikior a forum.
Crabgrass is a software package that allows an online collaboration platform can be developed that all communication tools in one offering.
UPDATE: Both the development of the software and the website of the creators of Crabgrass are unfortunately no longer active.
Crabgrass is a collection of collaborative tools such as wikis, task lists, file repository, and decision support. This open source package is developed to support social networking, group collaboration and network organization.
Crabgrass is coordinated by Riseup Labs. This organization is focused on research into, and development of software for organization and movements that are committed to social justice.
Crabgrass has the following characteristics:
- free package other collaborative software
- open source license
- installation on an own server or server space at a hosting provider
- web-based program, users can use a web browser to make use of the collaboration platform
- to-do list management
- vergaderingsplanner
- public or private forums create
- personal send messages
- wiki creation and maintenance
- web page create a group calendar of events, blog posts and other content can manage
- to cooperation to support users in content rating, keywords to add content, add comments, add notes, contact with others when feedback is needed on content and additions and modifications of other users to follow
- a variety of tools that a democratic decision-making support
- groups can network with other groups to create, to work together on content and jointly make decisions
- all content is quickly found with the integrated search engine
- content can be shared with exactly the people and groups that the user wants to share
- opportunity to others to give rights to content only to view, also to be able to change or administrator to act
- every page can have tags, attachments, and a cijferwaardering assigned
- warning message is received when a page is updated
- other users, a warning is send when a change need to be informed
Crabgrass screenshots

You can free download Crabgrass 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site.