GNU Health for Windows 10 download free
DownloadFor organizations in the medical and health sector operate is a good information system, often literally, vital. GNU Health is a high quality software package for this sector that, moreover, is open source. Therefore, it can be completely free of charge within the organisation to be implemented.
GNU Health is a free health and hospital information system. In the Netherlands it is also known as the open source electronic health record program called. EHR stands for Electronic health record. This is a computer database that stores health care providers all patient information centrally storing. The advantage of this is that all doctors who are involved in the health of a patient about the same up to date and accurate file information.
The software is written in Python and is cross-platform is developed so that it runs on both Windows, Linux and Mac OS. It contains the following modules:
The GNU Health open source software project was initiated in 2008 by Luis Falcon. It was originally intended to protect the health monitoring and disease prevention of the population in remote areas. Originally this project the name "Medical". It is then advanced to the current complete health and hospital information system with an international team of developers. The management is in the hands of GNU Solidario, an NGO (non-profit non-governmental organization) that is active in the fields of education and health in combination with free software.
GNU Health is modular. You can have all the features to add that are necessary for the daily routine in a gezondheidspraktijk and managing the resources within such a practice.
The current available modules are:
- health: to store data about objects such as patient, evaluation, health centres, diseases, appointments, vaccinations, and medication.
- pediatrics: including neonatology and psychological evaluations.
- groeidiagrammen: including percentiles and z-score charts of the World Health Organization.
- female and male hormone and obstetrics: including perinatal information and puerperium.
- lifestyle: physical exercise, dieting, drug addictions, drugsdatabase of NIDA, Henningfield ratings, sexuality, risk factors, home and child safety.
- genetically: erfelijkheidsrisico including 4200 disease genes from NCBI/GeneCards.
- lab: managing applications, designs, and evaluations of laboratory analyses.
- socio-economic factors: education, occupation, living conditions, hazardous areas, child labour and prostitution.
- residential: patient admission, bed allocation and care plan.
- surgery: checklist for recording, surgeries, procedures, and operation history.
- services: groups health-related services for patients. It allows declaration and billing for these services.
- calendar: connect with a CalDAV client for calendars and appointments to manage.
- intramural calendar: calendars for the inclusion of patients and assign beds.
- QR Codes: Quick Recognition (QR) Codes for identification.
- history: specific reports for the clinical history of patients.
- Millenium Development Goal 6 (MDG6): functionality to control malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.
- reporting: charts to generate topics related to epidemiology and health centres.
- nursing: patient rounds, medication administration and procedures.
- ICU: intensive care department functions.
- stock: pharmaceutical stocks to manage.
- NTD: base module for neglected tropical diseases (including Dengue fever and Chagas disease).
- scans diagnostic scans manage including CT, MRI and x-ray.
- ICPM: by the WHO adopted a classification of medication procedures.
- cryptography: support for encrypting data and digital signature with GNU Privacy Guard plugin.
- archives: features to gezondheidsrapporten archiving, and monitoring.
GNU Health screenshots

You can free download GNU Health 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site.