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At the BarCamp Berlin, I attended a Session of Magdalena part. The topic was “How do I make my Phone/Tablet child safe?” and sounded like something that I sooner or later will need.

Luke is already pretty good at it, our Smartphones or Tablets to find. Then wild rum typing, or the iPhone, the Home button is pressed. With Siri already by You until we have issued that Siri in Sperrbildshirm to go.

The App Kids Place operates in a manner similar Kindle FreeTime. At the beginning, configure the App according to his Wishes. In the initial phase you select the Apps that the child only should be available. To each App, you can also select whether this App Internet access get or not. Just this Option I find very helpful. Without Internet access Apps can also be no advertising charge and the child may not accidentally click on it, and thus does not on any of the pages.

Kids Place - selection of Apps, and whether you get Internet or nichtKids Place Different EinstellungenKids Place Startbildshirm for the In addition to the selection of Apps, there are many more options. Among other things, you should set the child in the App is “snapped”. So not on the actual Home screen of the device can jump. This is the end of the App only after entering the parents Pins.

One other Option, offers the possibility of the use Time limit. This may be useful to do, but like Anja in the comments on the Kindle FreeTime wrote, is such a hard Limit may not always be ideal and can cause frustration and Stress.

The App is very robust and ran a few Tests from me and not tricking. Without parents Pin was nothing.

Kids Place Parental Control screenshots

screenshot-Kids Place Parental Control-1

You can free download Kids Place Parental Control 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site. - Overview features and capabilities software, apps for Windows 10
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