PDF is a widely used format for documents because it is system-independent, in addition a PDF file is a much more professional impression than a Word file.
You do need special software to make a PDF file to open and read. The official PDF reader from Adobe, Adobe Reader, slow to start and explains a lot of batter on your PC system. Foxit Reader is a better and free alternative.
Foxit Reader is a freeware program that allows you to create PDF files can open and read. In addition, it offers Foxit Reader also has the ability to make notes in PDF files and save them in the PDF document.
Contrary to what the name suggests, can Foxit Reader not only read PDF files, but also choose to create or convert. This new feature is only in 2013 included in the programme. For Microsoft Office provides Foxit special plugins to from office applications PDF. But you can from any other program a PDF create by Adobe as a virtual printer, select. The program can open files and then convert to the PDF format.
This free PDF reader is a good alternative for Adobe Reader. A big advantage of Foxit Reader compared to Adobe Reader is that it takes much less space on the hard disk and much faster to boot. You can also use the Foxit Reader PDF convert files in a simple text file so that you can customize in Word or another word processor.
Foxit Reader provides you during the installation of an extra toolbar for your browser. This toolbar will for most people, completely unnecessary and we therefore recommend you to uncheck this option to turn it off. This will cause the toolbar not to be installed.
The software is available for Windows desktop systems, but also offers mobile apps for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. This allows you to your smartphone or tablet PDF's open with the same experience as on your Windows computer. The iOS app is free, but the Android app needs to be paid.
Foxit Reader has the following features:
Foxit Reader screenshots
You can free download Foxit Reader 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site.