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Elternkontroll Software, there are some on the market. While browsing through the Web, the possibilities are however still relatively limited. Either you have a software package that will leave each item individually examined, or you run a fixed list, on which web pages are denied access.

The makers of OpenDNS now make another Option available. FamilyShield blocks Phishing and Porn websites via DNS-Filter. This makes the service as easy to set up, as are the previously known service of the company you only need two IP addresses in your DNS settings to enter and it's done. OpenDNS offers of help-seekers in addition to step-by-step instructions on.

As soon as FamilyShield is configured, it blocks Phishing sites and such with pornographic content in the Background. Because children usually learn fast, OpenDNS also the access to anonymizing web sites and Proxies are blocked. This would have the OpenDNS protection easily it is just. He who controls something more rules like you can with a Basic account with OpenDNS perform. This service costs nothing extra.

This System is not 100 percent waterproof. The protection is only as good as the DNS settings in front of your kids to protect. Consider the use FamilyShield, you should also include the operating system first, accordingly, to secure. Unfortunately on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad is not so easy. Since Apple is not really an Option, these settings to block. Alternatively, you could use Safari to completely prohibit. OpenDNS FamilyShield and OpenDNS Basic is free of charge. The System works in principle with any device that is connect to the Internet.

OpenDNS FamilyShield screenshots

screenshot-OpenDNS FamilyShield-1

You can free download OpenDNS FamilyShield 32, 64 bit and safe install the latest trial or new full version for Windows 10 from the official site. - Overview features and capabilities software, apps for Windows 10
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